Painting is where the formal language of my moving image work emerges from, taking on intense colour saturation as a means to create heat and refer to particularity of place. It is a medium that offers my practice materiality and a different time code to that of digital video. I approach the movement of imagery across both media as a form of translation, curious about what details are lost or gain visibility and the different cultural connotations underlined by each medium.

Crop 4, 2020
Oil on ply, five panels each 21.7 x 28.5 cm

Crop 2, 2015
Oil on ply, five panels each 21.7 x 28.5 cm

Crop paintings installed in studio, 2020

Crop 3, 2015
Oil on ply, five panels each 21.7 x 28.5 cm

Cut Out, 2015
Oil on cardboard, 85.5 x 122 cm
Still life (blush) no.3, 2015
Oil on canvas, 46 x 40.5 cm

Crop 1, 2015
Oil on cardboard, four panels each 23 x 29 cm

Plantas no. 1, 2015. Acrylic paint on A4 laser print mounted on aluminium.
70 x 50 cm
70 x 50 cm

Plantas no. 4, 2015. Acrylic paint on A4 laser print mounted on aluminium.
70 x 50 cm